
Hello, and welcome to Glass Onion, a music blog dedicated to keeping you up to date with the good, the bad and the ugly in alternative (ish) rock (ish) music.

Everyone has that one album where it all started for them, and as generic as it sounds, Arctic Monkeys ‘Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not’ is where I finally found a music genre I loved. Since that magical moment when I heard ‘When The Sun Goes Down’ in the back of somebody’s car, my music taste has expanded in so many directions.

After a long break, I’m going to be posting regularly with live music reviews (my favourite, although very dependent on my bank balance), artist reviews, album/EP reviews, and a few other things.

Whilst I am far from experienced in blogging,  I hope that my genuine passion for music will come across and allow me to create content which you enjoy reading. I welcome any feedback or constructive criticism you have.

Thank you for reading x